Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Arts, Crafts, and You

Our fourth quarter topic most would find interesting and assuring. As a mere yet essential requirement of this subject, we were tasked to research about a brief introduction to Arts and Crafts. Here's what I'd researched on:

Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill. These can be sub-divided into handicrafts or "traditional crafts" (doing things the old way) and the rest. Some crafts have been practised for centuries, while others are modern inventions, or popularisations of crafts which were originally practiced in a very small geographic area.

Additionally, this term refers to the Arts and Crafts movement which was a social revolution veiled in a design movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, whose proponents included William Morris and Edwin Lutyens. They believed that medieval craftsmen achieved a joy and fulfillment in the excellence of their work, which they strove to emulate.
These activities are called crafts because originally many of them were professions under the guild system. Adolescents were apprenticed to a master-craftsman, and they refined their skills over a period of years in exchange for low wages. By the time their training was complete, they were well-equipped to set up in trade for themselves, earning their living with the skill that could be traded directly within the community, often for goods and services. The Industrial Revolution and the increasing mechanisation of production processes gradually reduced or eliminated many of the roles professional craftspeople played, and today 'crafts' are most commonly seen as a form of hobby or art.

Most crafts require a combination of skill, speed, and patience, but they can also be learnt on a more basic level by virtually anyone. Many community centres and schools run evening or day classes and workshops offering to teach basic craft skills in a short period of time. Many of these crafts become extremely popular for brief periods of time (a few months, or a few years), spreading rapidly among the crafting population as everyone emulates the first examples.
The term craft also refers to the products of artistic production or creation that require a high degree of tacit knowledge, are highly technical, require specialized equipment and/or facilities to produce, involve manual labour or a blue-collar work ethic, are accessible to the general public and are constructed from materials with histories that exceed the boundaries of western art history, such as ceramics, glass, textiles, metal and wood. These products are produced within a specific community of practice and while they differ from the products produced within the communities of art and design, the boundaries of such often overlap resulting in hybrid objects. Additionally, as the interpretation and validation of art is frequently a matter of context, an audience may perceive crafted objects as art objects when these objects are viewed within an art context, such as in a museum or in a position of prominence in one’s home.
The term can also refer to the useful rural crafts of the agricultural countryside. Craftmanship=plato's idea of specialization, onto which the lower society has a specific job in society.

(source: wikipedia.org)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sincere Confessions

To the ones who turned their backs against me, and to those who showed hatred and disgust to my character:

First, I apologize for my insensitivity, and for unintentionally hurting you by doing things I thought was right. I did my best to show the truth, but things were too stubborn and I have to give it up for I cannot hold on much longer. Second, I’m honored to thank you for the lessons you gave that I have to relearn, for the struggles you shared with me that made me stronger, and for revealing the truth my blinded sight couldn’t see. Our friendship lasted, and you continually make it worthwhile. I seek forgiveness for my imperfections and short comings, and I come with a sincere and pure heart. But still, it is your own choice and I have no right to intercede or force you and your emotions. I do not want to stand infidel before you, it is the reason why I’m asking for sheer confession. All of my mistakes and failures are unexpected in my part, and I realized that I didn’t know or even understood the things I had been doing these past few days. Therefore, I give you the right to curse me, to mock me, to break me and even blame me for everything. I am worthy of these things, I deserve this punishment and I am joyous for I was able to do the right deed. Before you do, I pledge and vow that all the things I said was true and have no mended holes or whatsoever. I tried to express what my feelings want to, I tried to utter the words my mind meant, but the truth constantly burdens me putting me to a state of emptiness, guilt and shame. Emptiness: because I felt useless, Guilt: because I couldn’t do anything about the situation, Shame: because I regret the iniquities I committed that bloodily scarred and hurt you. I realized that I was too selfish and self-centered, I only thought about myself and the truth. But still I say you were a part of my reflection, yet that part remained vague, unclear and misunderstood. I didn’t know what happened, it was not my intention. Nevertheless, I am truly sorry.

The truth, yes, the truth do hurts. I wish I could make it up to you, and call you once again as my friends. I honestly did my all, my best, but I knew that it wasn’t good enough indeed. But I am ready to redeem myself once again as the old and loyal friend you once knew and do my best, just to give the happiness you deserve and I long to freely offer. You were great; and you will always be a part of my life, my heart and my memory. I know things will never be the same again, but in my part, it will be. You played sweet melodies in the music of my life, and forever I will remember those: the joys you gave, the cries you shared, the laughter you showed and the trials together we overcame. I plead for forgiveness, even if I stand unworthy, it is the only way I can avenge myself from the pain I caused you simply by telling the painful truth. I admit that I am not perfect, everyone is; and I admit I always fail to do what is pleasing and right. I admit that I was too conceited, and my pride devoured me. But I wish that you will believe that my true desire was to preserve our friendship, not destroy it, but things didn’t work out so well. That was my true intention, but some things showed differently. I am faithful to our bond, and I do not wish to end it. I want all of you to be one of my dear friends once more, give me another chance. This time, I promise that everything will work out just fine and truth will entirely prevail. I vowed and plead once more. I have to accept, that even the best falls down sometimes, and this was an unexpected fall. You will remain remembered. I will forever cherish the things we shared. I wish to be forgiven, I wish everything will fall back to its place, I wish to call you my friends once again. I’m so sorry. Please do forgive me. Please…stay…

- an ever-caring and faithful friend