Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hatred and Love 101

She ought not to utter a word, and a blissful ignorance came upon me. Deciphering her words will take a lifetime for someone to achieve, yet I easily pondered through it in a matter of seconds. I mastered the art of decoding the random thoughts in her mind; it’s the reason why I never felt liable to elucidation each time we’re together. I do solve the puzzles of her sophisticated thinking almost everyday, though I often fail to. I bet it is way easier to solve a complex algebraic expression than answer the trivia of her peculiar words; yes, it sears my head unforgivably.

She is the prominent villain of my epic, but she’s my constant companion in every bloody battle I fought. When I need bread to eat and water to quench my thirst, she lovingly supplies me with anything my appetite desires; yet, she’s the true cause of this insatiable hunger for love. Her words are as melodious as the humming of birds in the tranquility of morning; at the same time, a flaming dagger that keenly pierces armor. Her glance is heaven, itself; but her grave look is Death behind sackcloth. Yes, these words do reflect her complexity, but only partly. Then again, she moved near to me placidly. I sat there motionless, then she slowly cast her head on my lap; I felt an unusual sensation after.

I stared at her angelic figure; it was perfectly molded like an Obra Maestra of the finest artist. Her lips gleam brilliant red like rubies, lustfully tempting my soul to indulge into its beauty. Her eyes is an image of purity and truthfulness; her hands are slender like a swan and soft like feathers that flutter in the wind. Her voice is as soothing as the cold breeze of the solitary ocean and as heavenly like a choir of angels solemnly declares the greatness of The Creator. Then unconsciously, I heard her whisper, “My love so true is only for thee, and this everlasting bliss I feel in thy presence will exist for eternity ‘til I lie dormant in Death with your soul.” Indeed, her words are soothing, but it strikes like a flash of lightning blinding everything in my sight.

As I discreetly contemplate, an apparent scenery appeared before my still motionless state. I saw her gracefully dancing with the silent tune of nature, though her figure is quite blurred that moment. I didn’t mind the haziness that darkens her aura; my eyes were set on the voluptuous beauty of her magnificence. A visage like hers is a vivid reflection of perfection and innocence; anyone who looks beyond her mortality will simply be awed by her sophisticated personality. I felt numb and insouciant as I stare at her dancing around the platform. Suddenly, the graceful rhythm faded like an echo from afar, then I heard the music stopped. There was a minute of silence after, and I could barely see her as the eerie darkness of nightfall covered the place greedily. I saw her standing behind me, and I could hear the echoes of her oblivious voice but I cannot understand what she’s trying to mutter.

For the first time, I was trapped in her words like a pigeon trying to escape from its cage. The moonlight illuminated her face, and almost instantly, I saw her body dropped to the concrete floor. I was caught breathless and disturbed as I saw blood crimsoned her clothing. I was confused as I stood there in that nightmarish scene. Stunned for a while, I regained my consciousness and rushed to her dying state. I gazed once again on her figure, though bloody, it still glowed with indescribable brilliance. My demeanor was completely altered as I saw her spirit emerge as she silently passed away. Then for the last time, I heard her say the same words she said when she laid with me.

Then, I woke up from my deep sleep. I immediately realize that it was just a nightmare. I looked down and saw her peacefully sleeping on my lap. It was already dusk, and the sky slowly filled itself with elegant silver as I held her close to me. I heard a sound of faint laughter, and I instantly recognize that it was hers. She erected herself and sat placidly again beside me, but this time, with a smile that moved my happiness. She hugged me tight and tears fell down from her eyes, but I knew it was joy in her heart that made her cry. I hummed a song for her as we walked across the grassy plains of our home. That night, we slept with solitude in our hearts, a feeling that is incomparable. The eternal bliss she constantly feels every time we are together consumed my soul, and my heart was filled with light that diminished the darkness within me. Still, as long as the searing rays of the sun will cast a little light on the dimness of my room at morning, I would see her face upon my shoulder and whisper a silent prayer that this romance will last forever. I love her without a reason; I love her because I undoubtedly hate her; and yes, I am crazy and foolish for indulging into her perfection: this is all that matters. Indeed, our love is the nightmare itself, and this spell she cast on me will forever chain my soul in a prison where she dominates. I am a slave of her tempting yet perfect beauty, and it would be like that until I stand perfidious before her and until you could clearly foresee the fate of this unsatisfied being longing for love in an epic hatred reigns supreme.